Saturday, June 28, 2014

Whoo's My Cutie Blanket & Giggle the Owl Set

I love getting to make things for babies! There's something especially sweet knowing someone asked ME to make something special for a tiny lil human. Something that they might possibly keep forever or pass on to their tiny humans in the future... it's something I take a lot of pride in and feel incredibly honoured to do!

I saw the Red Heart pattern "Whoo's My Cutie? Blanket" some time ago and I have been waiting for someone to ask me to make something owl for someone so I could suggest it - I was sooo excited when the opportunity came! I was even more excited when she said she would like me to make a matching Giggle the Owl to go with the blanket!

I was able to make Giggle the Owl in an afternoon while my kids were busy ignoring me and colouring nicely haha the blanket I was able to make over a couple days - one day to create the blanket and another day do the branches, flowers, leaves and owls detailing.

I will also be making an owl hat to go with this set so that they can be used in a newborn photo shoot as soon as the baby it was ordered for arrives!

I can't wait to see those pictures!